Epos Now: How do I decline/void an order?

This should be done via your Merchant Dashboard.

To manage orders via the merchant dashboard, login at eposnow.yoello.com, go to ‘order history’.

To decline a new order that you have not yet accepted on Epos Now, go to ‘order history’ on the dashboard, find the order and click ‘decline’.

You will be asked whether an item is out of stock. If this is the case, select the sold-out item and this will remove it from sale from your Yoello menu. You then need to go back to your Epos Now till and refund this order.


If the order has already had the Yoello tender applied on your Epos now till and you need to void it, go again to ‘order history’ on the dashboard, select the order and click to ‘void’. Then return to your till, select the order from your ‘completed’ orders section. Click to ‘refund’, apply the Yoello tender and you will have a recorded refund receipt and record on your till.


Refer to our set up video from 6 minutes onwards to see how to manage and refund orders:

Contact Us

If you need help with any of your Order & Pay setup, please contact the Epos Now Support team.

Contact Number: 0800 2 945 945
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